You did the right thing.
Oh, you didn't have to bring these over here.
I could've picked them up myself tomorrow.
I thought you might be needing them.
Yes, but it really wasn't necessary.
-Anyway, thanks a lot.
-Oh, no. It's nothing.
-Don't you want to stay for a while?
-No, thanks. I can't.
I live at the school, so I've got to
be back for supper in half an hour.
-I have to.
-Just for a minute?
No, no, really. I have to be going.
They get very upset if you
show up late for supper.
-Okay, sunday. No, not before lunchtime.
-Well, ciao.
See you tomorrow.
No, go on.
Uh-huh, I know.
You caught one. Yes, yes, I can
hear you very well.
Didn't you see how he was blushing?
He's cute, except he doesn't have any, um--
And he never has enough money
for room and board at school.
That's why that bitch Tanner
has got him under her thumb.
She gives him 1,001 errands to do.
I got it. Okay.
Call me back tomorrow evening.
Give me a chance to think it over.
Yes, yes. Okay, okay.
Anyway, he is cute.
Poor Pat. She liked him a lot.
That poor kid, ending up like that.
I can't even think about it.
I heard you saw her yesterday evening.
Uh-huh. Outside the school.
She was acting very strange.
Mumbling to herself.
She really felt terrible when they kicked
her out, but she really deserved it.
-There was so much noise.
-God, was she difficult.
She was saying things that made no sense.
She was always arguing, causing trouble.