-Drink up.
You must drink.
The blood that was hemorrhaging is
going back with the intake of liquids.
-Right, professor Verdegast?
My dear madame.
Do not be concerned. It's nothing,
as I've already told the young lady.
That's a relief, professor.
How do you feel, dear?
-Uh, better.
-The fault lies with your exercises.
When somebody's been out of practice,
violent movement could cause tiny
tears in internal ligaments.
Thus the hemorrhaging.
You look better already. You've
even got color back in your cheeks.
-Isn't that right?
-Oh, yes. She looks much better.
-Hold still.
This will get you back into shape in no time.
Here we are. Fine, fine. A day or two,
you'll be on your feet, as good as new.
-Who brought my bags here?
-Olga. What a dear.
The minute she heard you were ill, she
went right home and brought your things.
Oh, and she also left me your $50,
and she didn't take a penny of it.
Why--Why did she do that?
-If I wanted to, I would--
-Well, my dear,
What you need now is
some peace and quiet.
If the hemorrhaging should start
again, which is very improbable,
You can telephone me.
And Tanner, she is to eat
bland food for about a week.
And you mustn't let
her have any fruit.
-A drop of vin rose?
Good. A glass of red wine with
each meal. It works miracles.
Clears up anemia and strengthens
red corpuscles. It builds the blood.
Rest well. You're in good hands.
Suzy, we're next-door neighbors.