It's disgusting! It's disgusting!
-Where are they coming from?
-I don't know! Let's go and see!
-They're coming from the ceiling.
-In the meantime, everybody downstairs.
Don't let anyone come up.
I'm sorry. Truly mortified.
Please excuse me.
But it was nothing to do
with you, madame.
No, of course not, girls.
It was not madame Blanc's fault.
We ordered those cases
of food by mail...
From a reliable firm that
we thought to be honest.
Obviously, It arrived spoiled.
In a few days' time,
you see what happened.
-Oh, it was awful.
-Yes, one got in my mouth.
I suppose we're fortunate those things
only reached the floor below the attic.
-Are the other floors all right?
-Yes. We checked them out.
Just the floor where the
students' rooms are.
Well, I'll take care of the problem
of fumigating in the morning.
In the meantime, for tonight, I've
thought of a makeshift arrangement.
Go and see how they're getting
along, will you, dear?
The boys have kindly offered to help,
And they and the servants are turning
the practice hall into a dormitory.