it's that terrible Medusa.
I'd like to give her a few whacks
with my rollin' pin.
We swamp folks would like to run her
clean out of our bayou.
Hold it. Hold it!
Somebody's comin' this way.
Why did you have to
go and spoil everything?
Nero, don't you dare
get my teddy bear wet.
Oh, it's that poor
little young 'un.
She's tryin' to run away again.
It's Penny.
Oh, how terrible.
Hurry! We've got to find out
where they're taking her!
You'll need a boat. Evinrude's
got the fastest boat around here.
Evinrude, wake up!
Start up your engine, boy!
Send Evinrude back
as soon as you need help.