like you are, Mr. Snoops.
Oh, don't you sass me.
Ah, uh, boys, take this naughty
little girl to her room.
I can go by myself, thank you.
Stick around, Evinrude.
We'll-- We'll signal if we need you.
Look out! Here she comes!
Where is she? Where is she?
Ah, eh, w-where is she?
Oh, I-I sent her up to her room.
Why did you let her escape?
What is your alibi this time, nitwit?
Well, don't blame me, Medusa.
Those leather-headed lizards
of yours, they're supposed
to be patrolling the island.
They let her get away.
Ha! My precious pets.
We know who caught that
ungrateful little brat, don't we, hmm?
It was your brilliant idea to use
the little girl for this caper.
- If you'd left it to me--
- Snoops, you're not thinking.
I know, I know. She's the only one small
enough to squeeze down the black hole.
Yes, but why can't she
find my big diamond?
I don't know, but--
but just look at these beauties
that she brought up from the cave.
Oh, they'll sell
for a lot of cold cash.
I wish you wouldn't do that.
She's insane. Utterly mad.
I want that diamond.
I've got to have
the Devil's Eye!