You're fabulous.
- I love you.
- Swiftly moving on.
- Giris had a long meeting tonight, huh?
- They're not meetings.
- What's on the news?
- Nothin'.
They're shootin' up Rhodesia,
and, uh, the garbagemen are
raisin' hell again. You know.
Jeannette is having an affair
with a 19-year-old boy.
Oh, shit. She's flipped.
Men go out with younger women
all the time.
Nineteen is four years
older than Patti.
Yeah, where is Patti?
She went to the movies with Phil.
- I like Phil.
- Well, maybe Phil should meetJeannette.
- Martin.
- How are Elaine and Sue?
- Fine.
- Elaine makes me very nervous.
- She likes you.
- Yeah.
I like her all right.
She just comes on too strong.
So do you sometimes.
Sometimes I get the feeling that you
prefer Elaine and Sue and Jeannette to me.
That's ridiculous, Martin.
- Do you?
- Sometimes.
Look, Martin. Patti's coming home.