An Unmarried Woman

Nothing fancy. Just a little something
where I sing under a spotlight.

You ever thought about skateboarding?
I do want to go to India!
India I can do without.
I like a nice bathroom.
I may go back to school.
I may go back to school.
What's wrong with the gallery?
Oh, I need more money. I don't
want to depend on Martin forever.

Also, I could use
a real challenge in my work.

Live with me.
That'd be a real challenge.

I could use a challenge in my work.
Living with me is work.
Hey, this is really delicious.
I'm serious.
So am I.
Does it still feel empty?
No, but it tastes like hot sauce.
Why do you only have one child?
Do you want to have a child?
No, no, no.
Well, I had two miscarriages
after Patti.

I quit trying. Why?
Because... I want to know
everything there is to know about you.

Mm. Paint! Paint!
Paint! Please, paint!
- You are the most delicious
woman I've ever met!
