KATY: You want another beer?
- You want a beer, Larry?
- Sure.
KATY: Nice fish.
- I'm Robert Hoover, chapter president.
- Hi, Robert.
HOOVER: Have you seen Boon?
KATY: He disappeared when we got here.
He's probably upstairs talking to Otter.
No doubt.
They're well-known homosexuals.
Have another beer. She's just kidding.
HOOVER: Right, Bluto?
(Otter whistling)
You going out tonight, Otter?
No. Let me give you a hint.
She's got a couple of major-league yabos.
BOON: Beverly!
But you're getting wa. Rmer.
Let me give you a. Nother hint.
Does this ring a. Bell?
- (Effeminately) "Oh, God. Oh, God!"
- Marlene.
You're going to pork Marlene Desmond?
- Pork?
- You're gonna hump her brains out.
I anticipate a deeply religious experience.
Why the interest in my social life?
Where's Katy?
Downstairs, pissed off about something.
She thinks you're an immature jerk?
I don't take anything seriously.
She'll take this seriously.
Try it.
- You guys coming down?
- This thing talk?
HOOVER: There are 50 people
trying to get into this fraternity.
Otter, you are the rush chairman.
You should be present at the rush party.