Come on, Mandy, I would tell you.
Are you and Greg doing the dirty deed?
Greg doesn't believe
in premarital intercourse.
Too bad.
I think he's just dreamy.
CHIP: And one, two, three, four...
(Chip continues counting cadence)
Company, halt!
(Dramatic instrumental music)
(Horse snorting)
DOUG: Dress that line.
Dress tha. T line, mister!
Dress tha. T line, soldier.
Mister, hold my mount.
You fa. T, disgusting slob!
You're a goddamned disgrace!
A vicious mother, isn't he?
He can't do that to our pledges.
Only we can do that to our pledges.
Redo those buttons!
Dress that belt buckle!
Straighten that cap!
And godda. Mn it, tuck up those pyja. Ma. S!
Attention! Eyes front!
What's that on your chest, mister?
- It's a pledge pin, sir.
- A pledge pin!
On your uniform?