(Horse neighing)
DOUG: Give me that.
Yeah, baby.
Good baby. It's all right. You stupid...
Dorfman! What kind of man
hits a defenceless animal?
I've got a. Good mind to sma. Sh your fa. T fa. Ce.
Listen up, you na. Usea. Ting pile of blubber.
Your days are numbered at Faber.
You and all your sick Delta buddies.
Meantime, your ass belongs to me.
Now, drop a. Nd give me 20.
Hit it!
Trooper, baby.
(Comical instrumental music)
DOUG: Come here, baby.
I wa. Nt these qua. Rters sta. Nding ta. II
by 0900 tomorrow.
DOUG: You got that?
FLOUNDER: Yes, sir.
Brother D-Day, brother Bluto.
You hate that ying-yang?
- Who?
- Neidermeyer. You hate his guts?
- I guess so.
- You guess so?
Yes, I hate him! I hate his guts!
We have an old saying in Delta.
"Don't get mad, get even."