Taking advantage of our chivalry.
Hey, you dumb Okie!
Hey, Johnson!
- Matt, get over here.
- We'll buddy up.
Dive over.
After we surfed,
we'd go down to the old pier...
...to the Bear's shop.
Bear made our boards and told stories.
He knew where
waves came from and why.
Like the surfers that came before us,
we saw everything in the Bear.
- Was Matt always hot?
- You think he's pretty great, huh?
Well, he is good. So is Jack
and Leroy, in his own way.
He could use a little more experience.
They'd get it
if they kept on surfing.
What? Those guys are so stoked,
they'll surf forever.
Nobody surfs forever...
...except for old Shopping Cart.
He's the only one thats left.
- How you doing?
- Got any chopped mussel?
Same as yesterday.
I caught me a couple of fish.
Caught me a tuna...
...and a halibut.
Look at that.
That halibut looks short.
- They're supposed to be about 22.
- For sure?
You'd better get it back in your sack.
Have you seen the law
around here lately?
Not yet.
Get him some chopped mussel.
I don't think he'll see that now.
What kind of board is this?
I've never seen
a shape like this before.