I had no idea...
Matt is responsible for all this.
He invited people I don't even know.
- The music's too loud.
- Matt Johnson invited...
- The music is still too loud!
- We'll turn it down.
- I can't believe it.
- Keep Crusher off my coffee table.
I don't know.
I can't believe you'd wear
those shoes to this.
You've got a great figure.
Is that a padded bra?
- No, this is all me.
- You're kidding!
- You should try a padded bra.
- I have one on.
I'm sorry.
- Sally, hi! Come over here.
- How are you?
Two of us in one sleeping bag!
He has the nerve.
He's always with somebody else.
- What are they doing?
- We're gonna roast the Masochist.
- How do you like haole?
- Medium, so he stays real ono.
His ancestors were cannibals.
They ate Captain Cook.
I missed your elbow.
Let me know when
you're floured, Leroy.
I'll be right back.
I'm going to sleep.
- They're gonna cook you, huh?
- I don't give a damn.