Aunt Sally.
- Congratulations, P.G.
- Thank you.
This is a bird of love.
He always says,"Sí, sí!"
- Mister, want your shoes shined?
- Skulls!
- You sit the camera on top.
- Shoeshine!
Hit it.
Hey, amigo! Over here!
A zebra!
Burrito! Thats what they make
burritos out of! Kill!
Will you guys leave him alone?
Showtime! No cover charge.
You don't pay to see nothing.
Miss Acapulco is still with us.
Come in! Its the best show in town.
- Matt!
- Thats Leroy!
This man's gonna sell me his sister.
He's got pictures and everything.
- When the hell are you coming back?
- I don't know!
- I hope he has fun.
- Lets go.
- Do they take it off?
- All the way.
Teresa, show them you're
the virgin here. The only virgin.