Big Wednesday

The Jews and the niggers!
I will not serve in this army!
Heil Hitler!
All right!
Stand down here, please. Step down.
Lets see you walk. Just take a step.
Can you walk on it?
Take a step. Can you walk on it?
I can't make it! I can't!
Get him out of here.
Follow the yellow line.

I'd like one more cigarette.
Go ahead.
I see here they call you "Masochist."
I like pain.
Be specific, what kind of pain?
Any kind of pain.
Lets see. I like fights.
I've dove through windows,
eaten light bulbs.

I like sharks, any kind of blood.
If you gave me a gun, I'd shoot you...
...just to see what it looked like.
- Would you?

Did you have problems as a kid?
Did your mama beat you?

- Anybody like that?
- Nope.

- Did you have girlfriends?
- No.

Are you sure?
- You picking on me?
- Are you afraid to serve?
