That's right, dear,
and you'll have a nice long sleep.
Pre-op, she's received a 0.0 1
of Demerol and 0.4 of atropine...
...so believe me,
she's pretty relaxed.
l'll say she's relaxed!
Come on, Mrs. Greenly, on your back.
That's it.
-Gonna meet me for lunch?
-l don't know.
l'll let you know, okay?
l'll be in the lounge.
Henry might be calling,
and if he does, you know....
-Okay, no problem.
-Yeah, okay.
-Good afternoon, Tom.
-Afternoon, Jim. How's our lady?
Just about ready.
l'm still awake.
-But not for long, dear.
-You promise?
l'll induce with sodium Pentothal,
give an lV by syringe.
Nance, what l want you to do...
...is start counting from 1 00
backwards real slow, okay?
Here we go.
-A hundred.
lt's quick. Stop the pentothal.
You see, pentothal isn't
really an anesthetic.
Any deep pain right now
and she'd wake right up.
What we need for anesthesia is gas.
First l'll inject some succinylcholine.
l want you to watch her chest gauge
because she'll stop breathing.
She's now experiencing
complete muscular paralysis.
She's got three minutes
to breathe or she'll suffocate.
So now we intubate.
Taking a laryngoscope like so.
Hold her head
in an extended position.
Enter laterally, put up
the base of the tongue, up and out...
...visualizing the trachea.
There it is, fellas. Take a look.
You see it?
lt's right over there.
Come on, guys!
Take our tube and enter here.
ln the middle of surgery,
l'll switch over to the telothane.
Stirrups up?