This is a function of the muscular
attachments, of which there are five.
You should know them.
They're the broad ligaments,
the round and cardinal ligaments...
...and the endopelvic fascia,
the uterosacral ligaments.
Something wrong?
She just threw a PVC,
and her blood pressure's falling.
l got 90 over 60.
She's fully oxygenated.
Red as a cherry down here.
How much longer you got?
Just a couple of minutes.
l don't like this.
Her blood pressure is still falling.
We should stop. She may be getting
too much vagal stimulation.
Jesus Christ.
What's the matter?
l don't know.
Nothing's the matter!
Something's the matter.
She's going to arrest!
l can't find anything!
l get a 1 00 over 80.
Her pressure's climbing.
Let's finish up. l'd like to get
this mother off the table.
Sponge, please.
One-twenty over 80 and climbing.
She's okay.
-These tissues can go to pathology.
-Can l start bringing her out?
Yeah, bring her out, Jim.
Okay, Mrs. Greenly,
it's time to wake up.
Okay, Nancy?
Mrs. Greenly? Wake up.
Nance, can you give me
a cough, please?