
Jesus Christ!
Her pupils are fixed and dilated.

The pupils, they're fixed.
Oh, my God!
Pre-op diagnosis,
acute gastric ulceration.

Post-op diagnosis, the same.
Surgeon, Dr. Wilson.
-Where's Schwartz? Cholecystectomy?
-Bed three.

-Mr. Schwartz, l'm Dr. Bellows.
-You don't got to talk so loud.

How you feel?
Just ''eh''?
You want to get on your side
for me, please?

-On your side.
-Speak up, l can't hear you.

What'd they give you
in that operating room?

Do you have any pain?
lf l had any pain,
l would go see a doctor.

Now you want to breathe
for me real easy?

That's it. Slowly.
She was given narceine
to rule out pre-op narcotic....

Two units without effect,
a few peripheral fasciculations.

So it's not succinylcholine?
Delayed return of consciousness
of cryptogenic origin.

l see no reason not to transfer her
to the intensive care unit.

Mr. Schwartz, you're going to be fine.
That's what you think!
-A grim prognosis, to say the least.
-Rather tragic.

Someone should notify Dr. George.
He'll want to review
the anesthetic protocol.

Right, he's been paged.
Looks like
another anesthetic reaction.

Page Dr. Bendix.

George is not here.
No, Dr. Bendix. Bendix!
Maybe he left the hospital.
Try his office.

Could you page Dr. Wheeler, please?
So you see, Jimmy,
your kidneys are sick.
