...but there's no physician name
and billing number.
Let me see.
Yes, you see, it's been
printed out by computer.
That's hospital policy.
A certain number of these tests
are randomly ordered by computer...
...as a quality check.
We do the tests here,
they're sent out...
...and done again by an outside lab.
The computer ordered
this test on Greenly?
Yeah, central computer.
Why don't you just show me?
-l can't.
-Why not?
l'm not supposed to.
lt's really important.
Anyway, that information
isn't coded.
lf it isn't coded,
l can't pull it out.
l mean, who would want it?
Well, let's say l wanted a list
of all the patients...
...who had tissue-typing
in the last month.
Same thing. Not coded.
What do you do?
What good is all this equipment?
l thought you recorded information.
We do, but the truth is, we install
these computers to bill patients.
We code patient name and number,
medical or surgical...
...admission diagnosis,
therapy and discharge diagnosis.
Okay, wait a minute.
Can you give me a list
of all surgical patients...
...with discharge diagnoses of coma?
Okay, we have...
...one general category
under ''coma'' ...
...and nine subcategories
under ''brain syndromes.''
l want a list
of all surgical patients...
...with general category
of coma in the past year.
You're sure you want it?
l had no idea.
lt's a big hospital.
Are you married or what?