Here they are, 1 0 cases.
There are now 1 2.
Different ages and sexes.
Different surgeons and anesthetists.
Different methods of induction.
They share nothing in common except
they all emerged with unexplained coma.
We're certainly not neglecting
that problem.
l didn't say you were.
Do you mind if l have a look?
l'm afraid l do mind.
Thank you for your interest,
however misplaced.
Good afternoon.
Oh, my God, you did--
How could you do that?
Dr. George is a past president...
...of the American Society
of Anesthesiologists.
He's a member of the AAAS.
He's on the board of the NlH...
...and you tell him
he's doing his job wrong.
-l just wanted to see the charts.
-That's not your area.
That's not your responsibility.
You're way off base.
You know who his wife is?
-l don't care.
-Well, you should.
His wife is Amy Cabot.
She's related to Godfrey Lowell.
l don't care about Boston society.
Dr. George's wife...
...is worth somewhere between
50 and 1 00 million dollars.
When she dies,
that money will go somewhere.
So what?
So he has a lot of muscle here.
He's the wrong man to cross.
You afraid to be seen with me?
Come in.
-Hi, Bill.
-How are you?
Sit down.
You know, Mark...
...l always thought that you'd have
this job when l leave next year.
Everybody thinks so.
You're the logical choice.
You're a good surgeon.