l think if you're able to exert
some influence over her...
...people would be appreciative.
Well, l'll try.
Good man.
Where's Greenly?
That coma case? She was to be
transferred to the Jefferson lnstitute.
l guess she went there.
Liz, did Greenly go to Jefferson?
No, she arrested at six
this morning.
-She's down in pathology.
-ln pathology?
Yeah, they're probably doing
the autopsy now.
Do you have a patient
named Greenly?
l don't know. Check in there.
l can't keep track of names.
ln microscopic section,
we may expect evidence...
...of fatty degeneration in cells...
...with polymorphs and histiocytes
around them.
Okay, incise the kidney there.
Looks normal.
Okay, remove it.
This is Howard.
Greenly's over there.
Hi, Jim.
Hi, Sue. What brings you here?
lnterested in this case?
That's right.
Hell of a puzzler.
Young girl, good health...
...in for a therapeutic AB,
comes out comatose.
Found anything?
Naturally, we started with the brain.
Grossly, it was normal.
l'm doing a section. Want to see?
Ordinarily, these coma cases
get shipped to Jefferson.
-What's Jefferson?
-Jefferson lnstitute.
A chronic-care facility.
Government thing.