What's simple?
Carbon monoxide.
Carbon monoxide?
Sure, it's perfect.
Anesthetist uses carbon monoxide
instead of oxygen.
lt's colorless and makes the blood red
so the surgeon doesn't notice.
But the brain dies from lack of oxygen.
The patient doesn't wake up.
No other effects?
Sure. Cardiac irritability.
Which this case had.
lt'd be better to block
the neuro-muscular junction...
...with succinylcholine.
-Who's gonna do it?
-Who'll feed your carbon monoxide?
That's the problem.
Been 1 2 coma cases
here in the last year.
They're always different.
Different case, different anesthetist,
different operation.
Hard to imagine it's murder.
Are you sure?
What do you think? There's a conspiracy
at the Boston Memorial Hospital...
...involving all the anesthetists?
I've had a rather hysterical call
from Dr. George in anesthesiology.
Dr. George is a powerful person here,
not only because of his position.
-There are other reasons.
-l gather.
What does that mean?
Just because he has a rich wife,
he's able to throw his weight around.
You're looking for truth and justice.
l'm looking for fairness.
ln fairness, you've challenged
the professional competence...
...of a chief of service
at this hospital.
And he didn't take it well.
No reason he should.
-Now he's out for blood.
-l've noticed.
Sue, believe me, l'm on your side...
...for all kinds of reasons.
l don't want to let
another chief of service...
...get one of
my house officers fired.
Dr. Harris, l just wanted
to look at his charts.
Sue, right now, l can protect you...
...because you're good.
And frankly, because you're a woman.
l don't want concessions.
At the moment, you'd better
take any you can get.