we got us
a bunch.
Man's tryin' to tell you
he's, uh, straight
as a skeeter's peter
in the middle
of matin' season.
I been watchin' you
pretty close, buck.
And i can tell you was
taught by old joe voss.
He's as good
a cowboy
as i ever met.
I figure you could cut
his trail any old day.
I never had his
seam squirrels.
Always figured that's
what made him so fast.
He was the most
cootie-laden critter
god ever
put hair on.
But he was a cowboy.
I imagine.
Are you gonna give me
a chew, buck?
Well, hell, you bet.
All i got here is
this, uh, copenhagen.
Well, that's...
that's good enough.
Yeah, i thought
it might be.
You save me a pinch now.
I'm gonna go tend
to the horses.