I imagine, uh,
we got us a big enough
herd right now.
No sense gettin'
hoggish about the...
about the whole
thing here,
especially with the weather
gettin' as bad as it is.
It kind of spooks me.
We, uh...
we turned out
them good bulls...
and some nice heifers.
You have you a nice start
for next year.
I guess what i'm sayin'
is, uh, we could, uh...
just go with what we got,
you know?
What do you think?
I slept with ewing.
I slept with ewing
when i was a girl.
He was always
watchin' me.
I was forbid
to go near him,
but he was always
watchin' me, and...
i'd come home
from school,
or i'd be out
workin' the herd,