But there's another
We could drill diagonally
under her land,
from the edge
of the creek
at this point
on your property.
Now, we wouldn't
have to put
any hardware
at all on her land.
It would probably be easy
to get her permission.
Thank you, george.
You can leave
the reports here.
Thank you.
Now what are
you gonna do?
Wait her out...
and hope, like you do,
that she'll go under.
But that could take
quite a while.
Yeah, it could.
In the meantime...
what do i do to protect
my interests from you?
If you could stop me,
you would.
The only way
to protect myself
is to have the ewing ranch in my name.
I've gone over
the whole situation.
With whom?
With hoverton,
with the bank.
You talked to hoverton
about taking over my ranch?
Well, you don't own
the bank, jacob.
There was a time.
I'll make it as easy
as i can for you.
We'll behave as if you were
still the owner of the ranch.
If you were
in my position,
and you thought there was a
chance for oil in this valley,
wouldn't you protect
yourself by taking it over?