Sit down, virgil.
Thanks, j.w.
That was sad about neil.
Yes, it is.
I understand, uh...
you're goin' over
to ella's later on,
to pick up payment
on her note.
Well, yes, i am.
Gonna celebrate?
Like you and neil did
when you talked
about takin' me over?
Oh, now, j. W...
wasn't anything
like that at all.
I had no choice
in the matter.
Oh, i figure
you did, virgil.
i have to tell you
i have neil's instructions
regarding the ranch.
Neil left instructions...
to you?
Well, yes.
I have to put the takeover in the works,
but you don't
have to worry, j.w.
He left specific
that you were to still run the ranch
at a good salary.
The ranch will still
bear the ewing name.
You're going to be well taken care of, j.w.
I hate to be the one
to do this...
but you have
to look at it
from my position, j.w.
You see, my first
responsibility is to the bank.
You talkin' to me
about the bank?