Comes a Horseman

Hyah! Hyah!
I got the rest of them
corralled up near the high mesa.

And them broncs
of yours

is the smartest
i ever seen.

Took me 3 days, but i got 'em all gathered.
Hello, buck.
You got some
damn fine horses

for this madness
of yours, ella.

Got enough?
I wouldn't be here
if we didn't.

Enough if
he works with us?

You think
you're up to this?

The way he talks,
he better be.

Well, you... you
look all right.

I just hope you
don't go bad on us

when we need you
the most.

I try not to make a habit of
going bad on folks, ol' fella.

My name's dodger,
if you don't mind.

You got a place
of your own.

Why'd you want
to throw in with us?

How'd you get so old
being so damn nosy?

Eh, luck and brains,
i guess.

You gonna answer
the question?

You gonna
give me a chew?

Well, you... you
sure picked a lulu.

Thank you.
Just don't
take it all.

I think i got
you figured.

Let's get the gear.
All right.
