Coming Home

Read someplace else!
Stop! Stop and listen to me!
What is the matter with you?
Why do you have to be such a bastard?
Kevin. I thought
you died Wednesday, man.

You can get paralysed in a war
that don't even make sense

and come back and they don't have
the decency to ask you how you're doing.

"Can I do anything for you?"
I got a Purple Heart. I got it from a second
lieutenant that wasn't even in the war.

They don't tell you about
how to manage your finances.

Or going back into society. Half
the people still can't go back into society.

What about your sex life?
They don't tell you about that.

I went out the first time
and didn't know what to do.

What happens if my gizmo busts? What
happens if I have a bowel movement?

I get there and I don't know how to react.
There's not enough beds,
not enough staff.

It's really crowded.
The guys have to wait in line.

They're not prepared for the number
of wounded being sent back.

I don't think we're clear
on what you're asking us for, Sally.

It's what I said. We could do an article
in the paper, using these photographs,

interviewing some of the guys, maybe.
Isn't it difficult for the men
to be around women?

When I joined Weight Watchers
I didn't want candy in the house.

I don't think that's our function, Sally.
