What the fuck is the matter with him?
Where's he going?
He's upset because Vi didn't come.
And because I suggested he didn't
have the right to order her over here.
- We gotta go get him.
- No, let's just be alone for a few minutes.
We are alone.
- There's something wrong.
- It's not you. It's just... fucked up.
All this bullshit about 'Nam.
It's in my head.
Talk to me about it.
I want to know what it's like.
I don't know what it's like.
I only know what it is.
The TV shows what it's like.
It sure as hell don't show what it is.
I gotta find him.
Does she love me, Raul?
- She loves me, man.
- I wouldn't let you down.
- Those new heads'll work real good.
- I appreciate it. Have a good day.
- Take her easy.
- All right, man.
- How are my plants?
- They're fine. Nah, they died.
- They died?
- Yeah. Sorry.
- They died.
- Hey, man, I only got two plants.
- What about that Kennedy assassination?
- What do you think about it?