Days of Heaven

Are you talking to me?
Me and my brother, itjust used
to be me and my brother.

We used to do things together.
We used to have fun.
We used to roam the streets.
There was people suffering
ofpain and hunger.

Some people, their tongues
were hanging out of their mouth.

Just got to get fixed up first.
Things aren't always
gonna be this way.

You know that, don't you?
He used tojuggle apples.
He used to amuse us.
He used to entertain us.

What else do I got to do today?
In fact, all three of us
been going places,

Iooking and searching for things...
..going on adventures.
They told everybody
they were brother and sister.

My brother didn't want
nobody to know.

You know how people are. You tell
them something, they start talking.
