Do you consider yourself
a serious artist?
-I'm very serious about my work.
-Serious by what standards?
-By my own standards.
-lsn't that an elitist position?
Honestly, I think
I'd better take the Fifth.
You can do better than that,
Ms. Mars. Really.
Fellas, come on.
Give us a break here, huh?
She'll see you later, I promise.
I loved your questions.
We have to mix
with the real people now.
-ls there a back door?
-You are a sensation.
You're the right
number of minutes late.
Traffic was terrible.
We are going to sell
pictures like crazy.
Now, who shall we work on first?
The art world is
being asked to consider...
...these provocative pictures
as salable art.
We'll be examining
these questions tonight...
...and meeting people on all sides...
...of what is rapidly
becoming a major controversy.
I don't know when I've seen
more hostile reporters.
If they don't stop drinking,
I'm gonna throw their asses out.
-Have you seen Doris Spenser yet?
What I think Laura is saying
with her work...
...is "Okay, America.
Okay, world. You are violent.
You are pushing all this murder on us.
So here it comes right back at you.
And we'll use murder
to sell deodorant...
...so that you'll just get bored
with murder." Right?
Oh, my God, I don't believe this.
Just a minute. Let me think.
Do you have to do it now?
-We want to question certain people.
-I understand.
This will spread like wildfire.
It'll wreck the opening.
-Can't you give us an hour?
-A half-hour.
Really, that's so gross.