And everybody keep up.
All right, let's go.
Organized young gentleman,
isn't he?
- Any idea where we are, colonel?
- Not a hell of a lot, no.
If we keep going east, we'll
end up where we're supposed to.
How did we get stuck
with those two clowns?
I don't know, Doug.
Some idiot at British HQ.
Come along, gentlemen.
It's not teatime yet.
Do you think that young man has
any idea where we are, Milly?
- No, I shouldn't think so.
- I shouldn't think so, either.
I'll go and try and find out.
Yes, why don't you do that.
Excuse me, colonel.
Do you have any idea
where we are?
I've got a good idea where we are.
And how long it's gonna take to get
there, if you two can't keep up.
All right, let's move it.
- This is really beautiful country.
- Yes, marvelous.
Rather like the Scottish Highlands.
- Do you know Scotland?
- No.
I've often thought that I'd rather like
to settle down there some day.
Looks like you're gonna have
to change your plans.