Of course, I don't know
what your mission was...
...but obviously it just isn't
on now, is it, colonel?
Looks rather like your own youngster,
doesn't he?
Do you really think so?
Please, come.
Come, eat.
We are Chetniks...
...not stinking Partisans.
We hunt Allied commandos
like wild pigs!
We work with Germans.
They are our friends!
Good evening, gentlemen.
Maj. Schroeder, 11th army corps.
How do you do, major?
Delighted to meet you.
We thought these people were
- Of all the luck, eh, Barnsby?
- Sure.
Chetniks? Who would have
believed that?
The other three Allied missions
that fell into our hands...
...were not quite so happy about it
as you appear to be.