I know all that, but the major
is not interested in our penicillin.
He only wants to know the truth.
What's the use of a half a million
pounds to you out here?
Yes, well, that's beside the point,
sir, but I'm not going to open it.
Our story doesn't seem
to convince you.
No, it does not.
That's up to you, but every word
he's told you is true.
If you don't believe it,
check with your intelligence.
They'll verify the entire story.
Oh, I shall certainly verify
your story.
Every word of it.
Get in!
Cute story, major, very cute.
Now, what happens
when they open the suitcase?
I should think we'll all get shot.
Don't you, colonel?
Headquarters acknowledges
your signal.
Thank you, Bauer.
...what do you think?
They're lying.
What does it matter, anyway?
Kill them.
Yeah, you are probably right.
Do you know what I was thinking?
After the war, $1 million.
You, a simple peasant girl
from where?
I can never pronounce the name
of the place you come from.