Stand still, idiot. Look natural.
There is a third,
an American colonel...
...in the truck which you
just sent away.
I want to take them all together.
- What's Lescovar doing?
- He's shooting him some kind of story.
Go and assemble a squad
of armed men. Quickly and quietly.
And keep them out of sight.
Then report back to me.
Good old Lescovar.
Best line-shooter in the Balkans.
All right, you guys, let's...
Oh, man.
The sacks, get them up here quick.
- You picked a fine time to do this.
- Sling out my suitcase, will you?
You trying to screw up this operation?
We're behind schedule already.
- How did you get here?
- I've been through that already.
Help me get this stuff loaded
and get it on the truck.
- Right, Miller?
- Right, all set.
Let's go. Easy.
Hold it.