Force 10 from Navarone

He was a brave man
and a good friend.

Pity he got careless.
Do you think that big sergeant
spotted him as a Partisan?

I can't buy that.
The sergeant wasn't that bright.
He saluted you,
you're wearing a corporal's uniform.

That doesn't rate a salute
in the German army.

Not in anybody's army.
Why do you think
he saluted you, Lescovar?

Perhaps he recognized
my natural superiority.

Yes, perhaps.
You say this train goes
to Sarajevo, no stops?

But I noticed on the map that we pass
within a half a mile of the dam.

Strange you didn't bother
to mention that.

Now, what's all this about?
Some fool of a sergeant salutes me...
...and I forget to mention
that we pass near the dam.

And a little while ago, you said that
Marko must have given himself away.

I don't think he gave anything away...
...except his life.
What did you give away, Lescovar?
