Miller, you horrible little man...
...you knew that was gonna be
a slow-motion explosion.
You deliberately didn't tell me,
did you?
I didn't want to bore you
with technical detail.
I thought it might be
a bit over your head.
What happened to you?
He bit me in all the excitement.
But damn it to hell, we did it,
colonel, we did it!
Yes, we did, sergeant. We did!
And a merry Christmas.
Yes, gentlemen, we did it.
But before...
...we can start awarding ourselves
Victoria Crosses...
...and Congressional Medals of Honor
and so on...
...and so forth and such like...
...I think I'd better point out that, one:
We're on the wrong side of the river.
That two: We have no hope
whatsoever of rejoining the Partisans.
And that three:
This neck of the woods will soon be
crawling with bad-tempered Germans.
And four:
I don't think that our little genius,
Sgt. Miller there...
...has even got a box of matches
left in his suitcase.
And so, therefore,
I think we can take it, gentlemen...
...that we are going to have
a very long walk home.