Foul Play

You see, lieutenant,
your relentless pursuit

forced us to come up
with a contingency plan.

It is foolproof.
If by the end of the first act
the pope has not yet been dispatched,

Whitey Jackson will open fire
from the organ bay.

He will also fire if the pope
unexpectedly leaves his seat

or if the police arrive
in the auditorium.

But why kill the pope?
He means nothing to you.

He is a symbol,
a symbol of the vast wealth
and corporate power

of the world's churches.
Like my dear, dead brother.
Always the good one...
...hiding behind the skirts of this sham
called organized religion...

...whose sole aim is to rob
true spirituality of its life...

...and perpetuate
an implacable authority.

Shut up, Charlie.
Don't excite yourself.

My brother.
Is this a stable?
Or is it a palace for
the prince of the church?

In the past, people rose up
and slaughtered their kings.

Tonight's the beginning
of a revolution long overdue.

Ten years ago, we attempted
a peaceful campaign

for the taxation of these
billion-dollar corporations.

...they support the economic system.
And so the economic system
supported them.

We were attacked, laughed at...
...and finally imprisoned.
But it was there, in those hellholes,
where the mind is bound
and the spirit is shackled,

that we realized that
the single most effective way

to bring about radical change
is the historically proven path...
