You, you... you beautiful bastard.
I'll get yuh another one.
Dr. Land?
Doctor, Steiner's here.
We're all next door.
- What?
- Steiner's here.
Oh! We'll get right to it.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon, Doctor.
How was your trip to New York?
It was uneventful.
The heat was terrible, God awful.
Not much better here humid.
Ah, so much for the weather report.
I'm not the only one who just arrived.
How about your trip to Berlin, Stick?
It went pretty much as you figured.
Now, that, ah... he's the big star,
I couldn't reason with him.
He said he was Pulling out.
Then he threatened me.
Oh, my, my, my...
The rest of it was in the papers.
That's when he committed suicide, huh?
He just, ah... got up and jumped out the window.
Oh, my...
The merger of S and S Records with Globe
has been completed and construction
has started on the new record
pressing plant in Buenos Aries.
But the more important,
the more immediate is coming championship
fight in Macau.
I know we're getting world wide press.
That and plenty more.
All the, ah...
posters have been approved.
And the Ad campaign.