Game of Death

Call him over.
Mister Marshall?
Somebody wants to talk to you.
Little closer, Mister Marshall
Miss Morris was picked up tonight.
Billy's going to call you
at about ten o'clock.

You tapped my phone.
How clever.
Tell Billy to come to the
Tai Yuen Warehouse in kowloon

at exactly one o'clock in the morning.
We'll let the girl go when Billy comes in.
One for one.
Why should I believe you'll do that?
Don't change the equasion, Mister Marshall.
One for one.
Don't add any numbers.
Billy for the girl. It's that simple.
Oh, and Mister Marshall
you should be very very careful.
You can learn a lot in a job like yours.
But now each can become a terrible burden.
Good evening.
Mister Marshall's desk.
Is Jim there?
No, he's
oh, hold on a second. He just walked in.
Hi, Jim.
My phone is tapped.
Ann is being held by the syndicate.
I couldn't get her to leave.
Have you talked to them?
Just now.
They want an exchange.
You for her.
Even up.
Or so they say.
You could go to the police.
No! That would just get her killed.
