Is a many splendoured thing
I'm going to Australia,I won't see you again.
Don't talk that way, Sandy.
But it's true.
I've had the best summer of my Iife.Now I have to go away. It isn't fair.
- Danny, don't spoil it.- Sandy, it's only making it better.
Danny, is this the end?
Of course not.
It's only the beginning.
This is the main brain,Vince Fontaine,
beginning your day the only way.Music, music.
Get out of bed, first day of school.
Don't be a slob, don't get a job,go back to class, you can pass.
To start the day off nice and fine,here's a new old favourite of mine.
I solve my problemsand I see the light
We got a lovin' thing
We got to feed it right