I want to see all of you students
out there,
with plenty of support for Coach
Calhoun and the Rydell Rangers.
If you can't be an athlete,
be an athletic supporter.
And now for the really good news.
One of the most exciting things
to ever happen at Rydell High.
National Bandstand television show
has selected Rydell as
a representative American high school
and will do a Iive broadcast
from our very own gym.
It is our chance
to show the entire nation
what fine, bright, clean-cut,
wholesome students
we have here at Rydell.
Did you guys get a Iook
at Zuko this mornin'?
Lookin' pretty good this year,
huh, Rizz?
- That's ancient history.
- History sometimes repeats itself.
- Hey, you guys.
- Hi, Frenchy.
Go sit down.
This here is Sandy OIsen.
And that's Jan and Marty,
and this is Rizzo.
She just moved here
from Sydney, Australia.
- How are things down under?
- Fine, thanks.
Marty, are those new glasses?
Yeah, just for school.
Do they make me Iook smarter?
Nah, you can still see your face.
- How d'you Iike school, Sandy?
- It's different.
Hi, kids.
Patty Simcox,
the bad seed of Rydell. Hi.
- I Iove the first day of school.
- The biggest thrill of my Iife.
- You won't guess what's happened.
- Probably not.
The nominees for Student Council
are out.
- Guess who's up for Vice President?
- Who?
Me. Isn't that the most?
- To say the Ieast.
- The very Ieast.
I hope I don't make a poor showing.
We wish you the best of Iuck,
don't we, girls?