I've got my fingers crossed.
You must think I'm a clod
for not introducing myself.
Hi, I'm Patty Simcox.
Welcome to Rydell.
Will you be at cheerleader tryouts?
We'II be Iifelong friends.
You guys, how do you Iike Sandy?
Do you think we can
Iet her in the Pink Ladies?
- She Iooks too pure to be pink.
- Double do-do!
What's up, doc?
One of my diamonds
just fell in the macaroni.
Kenickie, want a piece of salami?
Are you kidding?
If I eat that, I'II smell Iike you.
What a stink!
Guys, Iook.
Ladies and gentlemen,
dingleberries on parade.
Look! You really put
your foot into it this time.
Try hopscotch, you hot dog.
What a gavone! Gumdrops, man.
Any of you guys see
that new chick in registration?
Sure beats
the foam domes round here.
Jugs bigger than Annette's?
Nobody's jugs
are bigger than Annette's.
Hey, guys.
Hi, girls.
You're a sick man, Putz.
I wanna hear about
what Danny did at the beach.
- It was nothing.
- Sure, nothing, Zuko. Right?
- You got in her drawers, right?
- Come on, tell us.
What did you do this summer?
I spent most of it at the beach.
I met a boy there.
You hauled your cookies
to the beach for a guy?
- He was sorta special.
- There ain't no such thing.
It was really romantic.
Everything about it.
You don't want to hear
the horny details.