Do the splits, give a yell
Show a little spirit for old Rydell
Way to go, red and white
Go Rydell, fight, fight, fight!
And now...
Quiet, please.
Quiet, everyone. Now, boys and girls,
the man of the hour.
The coach we're all depending on
to pull Rydell out of
a seven-season slump,
our very own Coach Calhoun.
- Who's the best?
- Rydell!
Give 'em hell, Rydell!
I just wanna tell you students
that we have a banner year coming up.
Because my boys are primed,
really primed,
because I primed 'em.
Not only primed, they're honed.
Honed to a sharp razor-edge.
We're not just going out there
to win.
We're going out there for glory.
And when we get out there,
we're gonna yank 'em and tear 'em
and rip 'em.
We'II take 'em and roll 'em around
and rip 'em up to pieces!
Then we're gonna slaughter 'em.
And after the slaughter is over,
we're gonna come back here
and ring that victory bell.
Like we always wanted to.