Get him, Danny.
What'd I do?
- Is he kidding?
- Boy, oh, boy.
I want you to meet
your wrestling partner. Danny, Andy.
Are you crazy?
Come on.
Let's start. Get in first position.
Danny, you get down.
OK, Andy, get down. Ready?
Hold it.
Danny, you gotta try. Come on.
AIright, Andy, Iet's change
positions. You get down. Come on.
AIright. Ready?
- Give?
- Yeah, give.
He's a hitter.
You'II Iike baseball. It's not
that much of a contact sport.
Get in there and Iet's see
what you can do.
Throw the ball. Let's play.
Let's pitch this guy out.
- He can't hit.
- This boy can't even bat.
- Strike.
- I told you. He doesn't even swing.
What kind of ball player are you?
Put it in here.
Come on. A Iittle fire in there.
Let's see you hit it.
Foul ball.
- Easy, easy.
- Now! Come on.
Put the bat down. Put the bat down.
There's a Iot of other sports
that don't have any contact.
- Yeah, Iike what?
- Like track.
- What do you mean, running?
- Just Iike running?