
-Mama darling!
-Eva! Well, here I am!

-I'm so glad you're here.
-Yes,just fancy. It was a long trip.

-Yes, I know.
-How beautiful it is here!

-Do stay a long time.
-Indeed I will.

-I can't believe you're here.
-Let's go for a nice long walk.

-What heavy bags! Have you brought all your music?

I'm staying for good!
-It would be nice.

-You'll give me some lessons,won't you?

Where's Viktor?
-He's not at home for the moment.

We didn't think
you'd come so early.

-This is your room.
-Oh, isn't it nice!

And what a beautiful view.
-The bathroom's here.

-How nice and up-to-date.
-I hope one wardrobe is enough.

Everything's fine.
I really am very tired.

I sat with Leonardo
the last day and night.

He was in bad pain and was
given shots every two hours.

Now and then he cried
because it hurt.

He wasn't afraid of dying.
Outside the hospital
they were drilling and hammering.

The sun was blazing down
and there were no awnings.

We tried to get another room but
many wards were closed for repairs.

Towards evening the noise stopped
and I could open the window.

The heat outside was like a wall,
and not a breath of wind.

In the evening the doctor came.
He's an old friend.

He said it wouldn't be long now.
Leonardo would get a shot every half
-hour so he could die without pain.
