
-Where are you?
-I'm up here, Mama.

I've changed, so we can go
for a walk if you like.

-Is this the nursery?
-Yes, it's Erik's room.

-Fancy letting it stay like this!
-We've often talked of altering it.

Sometimes I come and sit here
and let my thoughts wander.

-Let's go.
-Wait, Mama! Feel the nice atmosphere in here.

Erik drowned the day
before his fourth birthday.

But you know that.
It was too much for Viktor.
I grieved a lot, outwardly.
Deep inside, I felt
he was still alive,

that we were living
close to each other.

All I have to do is concentrate,
and he's there.

Sometimes, as I'm falling asleep
I can feel him breathing on my face

and touching me with his hand.
He's living another life,
but we can reach one another.

There's no dividing line,
no insurmountable wall.

I wonder what the reality looks
like where my little boy is living.

I know it can't be described.
It's a world
of liberated feelings.

Do you know what I mean?
To me, man is
a tremendous creation,

an inconceivable thought.
In man is everything,
from the highest to the lowest.

Man is God's image,
and in God there is everything.

So human beings are created,
but also the demons

and the saints, the prophets
and artists and iconoclasts.
