-I hadn't one day free.
We invited you
over and over again.
When Erik drowned,
that gray film got even grayer.
For Eva it was different.
-Her feeling lives, uncorroded.
Or so it seems anyway.
If she feels that her son
is alive and near her,
well, perhaps that's how it is.
She seldom speaks of it.
I guess she's afraid
it might upset me
as indeed it would.
But what she says
sounds true enough.
-I believe her.
-Yes, you're a minister.
-My faith lives on her terms.
-I'm sorry if I hurt you.
It doesn't matter.
Unlike you and Eva,
I'm diffuse and uncertain.
It's my own fault.
I think I'll take a good dose
of sleeping pills tonight.
It's so peaceful here, only
the hiss of the rain on the roof.
-Do you have all you need?
-Couldn't be better.
Cookies and mineral water,
tape recorder,
two detective novels,
my blindfold and ear-plugs
and my travel blanket.
Like to taste my
delicious Swiss chocolate?
-You can have two pieces.
-I don't like chocolate.
I seem to remember you were
crazy about candy as a child.
-Helena liked it. I didn't.
-Good, all the more for me.
-Good night, Mama.
-Good night, my pet.
Viktor is a delightful person.
You must take care of him.