Just watch.
Lonnie Elam said never to go up there.
Lonnie Elam said that's a haunted house.
He said real awful stuff happened there once.
- Lonnie Elam probably won't get out of the sixth grade.
I gotta go.
I see you tonight.
- Bye.
* I wish I had you all alone ... *
* Just the two of us ... *
* I would hold you close to me ... *
* So close to me ... *
* Just the two ... *
I'm not responsible, Sam. - Oh, no ...
I told them how dangerous he was!
You wouldn't have enough two roadblocks
and an all-points bulletin wouldn't stop a five-year-old!
But he was your patient, Doctor. If precautions
weren't strong enough, you should have told somebody.
I told everybody!
Nobody listened.
- There's nothing else I can do.
You can get back in there
and get back on the telephone.
Tell them exactly
who walked out of here last night ...
And tell them exactly where he is going.
- Probably going.
I'm wasting my time. - Sam, Haddonfield is
a hundred and fifty miles away from here.
Now, now for God's sake, he can't drive a car!
- He was doing very well last night!
Maybe someone around here gave him lessons.
Doctor Chance, plese come to point C ...
Doctor Chance, point C please.
... and the book ends.
But what Samuels is really talking about here ...
is fate.
You see ...
fate caught up with several lives here.
No matter what course of action Collins took ...
he was destined to his own fate,
his own day of reckoning with himself.