Attention ...
Captain and crew standby reverse polarity.
Standard class A security will be maintained upon landing.
And until further notice all land in and hold on.
That is all.
Artificial gravity are ...
ad lock cut primary coarse.
Primary stature.
Lindsey ...
Lindseyyy ....
Where are you?
There is the boogeyman! He is outside!
Look, there is the boogeyman outside! - What's wrong?
I saw the boogeyman! I know that - Oh, Tommy stop it!
- But at Lindsey's! - You're scaring Lindsey.
He's over there!
- Tommy, stop it! There is nobody out there!
There's no boogeyman. And if you don't stop all this
I'll have to turn off the TV and send you to bed.
Nobody believes me.
- I believe you, Tommy.