Heaven Can Wait

This is not heaven,
it's a way station. There's no mistake.

I want a check-out
on Joseph Pendleton.

When is he due at this way station?
Sir, I don't understand.
A check-out? Why?

The likelihood
of one individual being right

increases in proportion to how much
others try to prove him wrong.

Pendleton, Joseph. Due to arrive
10.17 am, March 20th, 2025.

Sir, I really can't believe it.
I took him out...
just before the accident.

You did what?!
You're not supposed to do that,
you must wait for the outcome.

But I was so sure, and it looked
like it would be painful.

- Wait. Are you saying...?
- Is this your first assignment?

- Yes, sir.
- Havert you learned the rules?

Every question of life and death
is a probability until the outcome.

So he jumped the gun.
Just put me back
and we'll forget the whole thing.

This man must be put back
into his body at once.

Thanks, Mr Jordan.
I'll see you in about 50 years.

- Max, I'm back.
- He can't hear you, Mr Pendleton.

I hope they got the best football
team in America in heaven,

and I hope God makes you

I'm going to get my body back.
Where's my body?

- Oh, dear.
- Cremated. I see.

I'm starting against Dallas
on Sunday.

The body you occupied
on Earth has been cremated.

Uncremate me! You must be able
to do something right.
